Regulatory aspects of the coverage. The light is to choose?
Out of habit, for normal lighting their homes we buy bulbs that power, which are used to. Sometimes we take those that are more powerful, if hard to see when you read a book, or those that are weaker, if the lamp is needed for the lamp beside the bed. But it turns out, there are certain standards of accommodation-lighting.We offer you some advice on the "regulatory" light.
The best option - elongated lamps, providing an even distribution of light along the work surface, especially if the table is long or has the shape of an angle. These bulbs are compact and therefore almost invisible, they are good to use when installing recessed lighting, light sources when multiple (eg, a lamp, a computer and a ceiling light). Textbook "green light" soothes and has to communicate and study, immersed in a soft green light, looks mysterious. Ceiling lamps and lamp shades of deep blue colors create a sense of cleanliness and freshness, and the white and black tones underline splendor and solemnity of the situation. Red-orange shades lampshades have a stimulating effect. Very beautiful deep purple. Psychologists believe the color of his creativity, as is the choice of people with innovative thinking. But while enjoying the splendor of color, do not forget that the interior should be no more than one bright spot light off-color. Table lamps with caps, shades and big shades of frosted glass or tissue produce unusual light effects, making the office atmosphere is particularly welcoming. With such a maximum protection of lamps achieves the effect of scattered light. He may be right, but in this case it is important that the light output will not clash with the direction of gaze man sitting at the table. Mobile lighting fixtures that can be moved and rotated, directing the light in different directions, changing its intensity and even color can help simulate the light environment in a small room.
Such lamps outside look is not very impressive, but their specifications are quite high. Flexible direct light fixtures are designed for the office with low ceilings. They are efficient in creating local lighting, as well as illumination of paintings and sculptures. Using the directional light, it is necessary to avoid the formation of unwanted shadows that can change the shape of the illuminated and its related facilities, as well as the appearance of the interior as a whole.
In the small kitchen lighting can be generated by several sources, to solve various functional tasks (working area, dining area, sitting area). The spacious kitchen lighting fixtures sold for general use. The best option may be considered an upper uniform soft light that supports the light atmosphere in the evening. The work area is better to use the kitchen spotlights, built-in wall cabinets or cornice ceiling. If the ceiling is too high, do not overload it light engineering, it is better to use a miniature spotlights. If the cabinets a little bit, you can arrange fixtures on the wall. Adjust the direction of light with flexible brackets. Fixtures are placed on the table at a distance of 60 cm from the surface, just above eye level. Light distribution should be almost straight, without scattering, but avoid glare effect and set the light sources so that their light shine directly into the eyes. The side surface of the light fixtures should be matte. This will scatter the light output side.
For illumination round table is better to use a spherical lamp size from 35 to 60 cm in diameter. The desired effect of creating a circle of light on the surface of the table can be achieved through the use of a curved metal reflector and halogen bulbs of 50 watts with an angle of dispersion of 60 °. Together they create on the table surface level of 600 lux illumination. If the table has an elongated shape will look better a few rows of lamps small. 20-watt halogen light bulbs give a scattering angle of 60 °, and the necessary transformer is installed in the fixture chandelier. For the table, with the background of other pieces of furniture can offer stretch or rack lighting system using a low-voltage halogen lamps.
Recently there was a fashionable trend to have on the ceiling in the great hall a couple of dozen small lamps with 10-watt low-voltage halogen lamps without reflectors (to avoid the bright streams of light). Fixtures are at a distance of 1 m from each other. Nevertheless, the level of illumination (8 W per 1 m2) can not be considered sufficient. Therefore, at a height of 1.5 m from the floor to the walls is better to install a few extra 230-volt halogen lamps. Next to the table can be positioned adjustable floor lamp with adjustable reflector, equipped with 50-watt low-voltage halogen lamp.
The lighting level of 200 lux at eye level (about 160 cm) will easily allow to accurately identify the contents of the cabinet on the type of fabric, pattern and color, even if the fabric of dark color. Recommended for mounting lighting fixtures shall include: spotlights with halogen lamps ranging from 20 W to 50 W, equipped with reflectors, spotlights fitted with reflex incandescent 60 watt, installed parallel to the wall, where the cabinet at a distance of 60-90 cm from the and a distance of 90 to 120 cm between each pair of lamps. It is better to use lamps with opaque shades, giving directional light. For light installed next to the bed, enough low-voltage halogen lamp 20W or incandescent lamp of 15 to 25 watts.
Bright living room
To create a room in a comfortable and cozy atmosphere should be set at least three sources of light with different intensities on different levels. There is a standard for the selection of lighting power, in which a 60 W bulb to illuminate an area of not more than 6 m2. In a room of over 35 m2, experts advise to use at least two sources of light. QUIET BATHROOM The bathroom is often high humidity, so it is best to use a 12-volt halogen lamps with closed shades of frosted glass. In the area of "spray" light should always be splash-proof. The required level of horizontal illumination can be achieved using extra wall or ceiling lights. The bathroom area of 9 m2 and a ceiling height of 2.5 meters is the best option - four lamps under normal 100-watt incandescent bulb, part of which is located near the mirror. Two lamp for a 100-watt incandescent bulbs are installed on the ceiling or walls, on both sides of the mirror. Luminous flux equivalent of two 100-watt bulbs, you can create two, four or even six light sources.
In a room of over 35 m2, experts advise to use at least two sources of light. In a room of 16 m2 for two students the necessary level of lighting comfort can be achieved by five different lights. The light level is 13-watt compact fluorescent lamps about 120 lux on the table. In a room of 14 m2, is also designed for two children, both general lighting and additional lighting is better addressed through three connected T-shaped ceiling lights, manned by a 36-watt fluorescent tubes. Fixtures with movable reflectors can direct the light output up or directly on the cushions of the sofa, have a very low heat output and increase the overall level of security in the children's room. They use a 18-watt compact fluorescent lamp.
* Luxury - a unit of illumination, which will be measured by the light meter
Name: Regulatory aspects of the coverage. The light is to choose?
Detailed description: Out of habit, for normal lighting their homes we buy bulbs that power, which are used to. Sometimes we take those that are more powerful, if hard to see when you read a book, or those that are weaker, if the lamp is needed for the lamp beside the bed. But it turns out, there are certain standards of accommodation-lighting.
We offer you some advice on the "regulatory" light.
The best option - elongated lamps, providing an even distribution of light along the work surface, especially if the table is long or has the shape of an angle. These bulbs are compact and therefore almost invisible, they are good to use when installing recessed lighting, light sources when multiple (eg, a lamp, a computer and a ceiling light). Textbook "green light" soothes and has to communicate and study, immersed in a soft green light, looks mysterious. Ceiling lamps and lamp shades of deep blue colors create a sense of cleanliness and freshness, and the white and black tones underline splendor and solemnity of the situation. Red-orange shades lampshades have a stimulating effect. Very beautiful deep purple. Psychologists believe the color of his creativity, as is the choice of people with innovative thinking. But while enjoying the splendor of color, do not forget that the interior should be no more than one bright spot light off-color. Table lamps with caps, shades and big shades of frosted glass or tissue produce unusual light effects, making the office atmosphere is particularly welcoming. With such a maximum protection of lamps achieves the effect of scattered light. He may be right, but in this case it is important that the light output will not clash with the direction of gaze man sitting at the table. Mobile lighting fixtures that can be moved and rotated, directing the light in different directions, changing its intensity and even color can help simulate the light environment in a small room.
Such lamps outside look is not very impressive, but their specifications are quite high. Flexible direct light fixtures are designed for the office with low ceilings. They are efficient in creating local lighting, as well as illumination of paintings and sculptures. Using the directional light, it is necessary to avoid the formation of unwanted shadows that can change the shape of the illuminated and its related facilities, as well as the appearance of the interior as a whole.
In the small kitchen lighting can be generated by several sources, to solve various functional tasks (working area, dining area, sitting area). The spacious kitchen lighting fixtures sold for general use. The best option may be considered an upper uniform soft light that supports the light atmosphere in the evening. The work area is better to use the kitchen spotlights, built-in wall cabinets or cornice ceiling. If the ceiling is too high, do not overload it light engineering, it is better to use a miniature spotlights. If the cabinets a little bit, you can arrange fixtures on the wall. Adjust the direction of light with flexible brackets. Fixtures are placed on the table at a distance of 60 cm from the surface, just above eye level. Light distribution should be almost straight, without scattering, but avoid glare effect and set the light sources so that their light shine directly into the eyes. The side surface of the light fixtures should be matte. This will scatter the light output side.
For illumination round table is better to use a spherical lamp size from 35 to 60 cm in diameter. The desired effect of creating a circle of light on the surface of the table can be achieved through the use of a curved metal reflector and halogen bulbs of 50 watts with an angle of dispersion of 60 °. Together they create on the table surface level of 600 lux illumination. If the table has an elongated shape will look better a few rows of lamps small. 20-watt halogen light bulbs give a scattering angle of 60 °, and the necessary transformer is installed in the fixture chandelier. For the table, with the background of other pieces of furniture can offer stretch or rack lighting system using a low-voltage halogen lamps.
Recently there was a fashionable trend to have on the ceiling in the great hall a couple of dozen small lamps with 10-watt low-voltage halogen lamps without reflectors (to avoid the bright streams of light). Fixtures are at a distance of 1 m from each other. Nevertheless, the level of illumination (8 W per 1 m2) can not be considered sufficient. Therefore, at a height of 1.5 m from the floor to the walls is better to install a few extra 230-volt halogen lamps. Next to the table can be positioned adjustable floor lamp with adjustable reflector, equipped with 50-watt low-voltage halogen lamp.
The lighting level of 200 lux at eye level (about 160 cm) will easily allow to accurately identify the contents of the cabinet on the type of fabric, pattern and color, even if the fabric of dark color. Recommended for mounting lighting fixtures shall include: spotlights with halogen lamps ranging from 20 W to 50 W, equipped with reflectors, spotlights fitted with reflex incandescent 60 watt, installed parallel to the wall, where the cabinet at a distance of 60-90 cm from the and a distance of 90 to 120 cm between each pair of lamps. It is better to use lamps with opaque shades, giving directional light. For light installed next to the bed, enough low-voltage halogen lamp 20W or incandescent lamp of 15 to 25 watts.
Bright living room
To create a room in a comfortable and cozy atmosphere should be set at least three sources of light with different intensities on different levels. There is a standard for the selection of lighting power, in which a 60 W bulb to illuminate an area of not more than 6 m2. In a room of over 35 m2, experts advise to use at least two sources of light. QUIET BATHROOM The bathroom is often high humidity, so it is best to use a 12-volt halogen lamps with closed shades of frosted glass. In the area of "spray" light should always be splash-proof. The required level of horizontal illumination can be achieved using extra wall or ceiling lights. The bathroom area of 9 m2 and a ceiling height of 2.5 meters is the best option - four lamps under normal 100-watt incandescent bulb, part of which is located near the mirror. Two lamp for a 100-watt incandescent bulbs are installed on the ceiling or walls, on both sides of the mirror. Luminous flux equivalent of two 100-watt bulbs, you can create two, four or even six light sources.
In a room of over 35 m2, experts advise to use at least two sources of light. In a room of 16 m2 for two students the necessary level of lighting comfort can be achieved by five different lights. The light level is 13-watt compact fluorescent lamps about 120 lux on the table. In a room of 14 m2, is also designed for two children, both general lighting and additional lighting is better addressed through three connected T-shaped ceiling lights, manned by a 36-watt fluorescent tubes. Fixtures with movable reflectors can direct the light output up or directly on the cushions of the sofa, have a very low heat output and increase the overall level of security in the children's room. They use a 18-watt compact fluorescent lamp.
* Luxury - a unit of illumination, which will be measured by the light meter
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